Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rich Russians go Pirate Hunting along the Coastlines of Somalia

Looks like a new trend from our vodka drinking friends. But correspondents in russia are saying that its only a satire made up in america. If you wanna check out the macabre website which offers this strage shit you have to visit . Or if you are interested, you just have to pay 5790 bucks a day to kill people who only take hostages most time. Guns and bullets are not inclusiv but you can rent grenade launchers, machine guns and rocket launchers. I hope its only a hoax of some freaky americans and not a real hobby of a couple of vodka millionaires.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Airsex for the win!

At the 09.10 the best of the international airsexprofis can mess their skills at the Air Sex World Championships. Yeah crazy story, but I cant wait for the first airsexcompetition here in germany. So get your asses to Williamsburg in Virginia and go to loose your airvirginity!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ipod against traffic

If u dont like it, when u need for 10km an half hour with your car, CHECK THIS:::::

Titanen des Erdreichs

In meinen Statistiken habe ich gesehen das mein Blog überwiegend deutsche Leser hat, also hier ist mein erster deuscher Post! Und damit ihr auch was zu sehen bekommt checkt mal das hier aus:


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No key? No promblem!

If you are the boss of interpol and forget your room-key what do you do? You take your fucking gun and blast the fucking door out of the wall! Thats the way how the Interpol-boss Angel Barquero did it in a hotel in El Salvador. But it first get really strange after the police came which arrested Angel Barquero. I mean if I would be the boss of Interpol i wouldn't let me arrest from any policeman in the whole world. I would kick their ass and chew bubblegum!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New competition is old!

Maybe you have read .The competition was hard. Now i got a harder one! Try to make 80k-100k u got 3 trys per game and then u have to count the points of each game together. GOOD LUCK U'LL NEED!
+PRO: u can play it on gayIphone
-Contra: I cant add the game to this site!
+PRO: the bad background music
-Contra: the bad background music

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tits for the blogs destiny!

In the last days this blog had big problems with the number of visitors and their activity here! The only 2 things that can help me anymore are: TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!TITS!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hey do u look boxing?

Did any of you watched the Boxfight last week Wladimir Klitschko vs. Samuel Peter? I thought that Klitschko need 9 rounds for Peter, but it was 10 rounds. No very interest boxfight, Klitschko have just longer arms then Peter thats the reason why he hadn't get one hard punch his face.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Some cool songs!

at first an english song

and a german song

some reggaeshit

last but not least

good music is good

Monday, September 13, 2010

witch tax for romanian ?! NO!

"Romania's Senate has rejected a proposed law that would have taxed witches and fortune tellers.
And the politician who pushed the plan said his colleagues caved because many of them feared being cursed."
( )
WTF?!?! Can't believe that Romania's  politician ,get balls that are tiny like peas, so that they don't make a law because they get fear in eyes of witches!
Only chance to have a witch-uncontrolled  politic in Romania:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hits, Baby!

one weak ago, i got the idea through an imageboard to make an internetblog. Now 7 days later, i get my first 500 hits, so i only want to say thx to all my visitors, followers and supporters!
Thx and an unhappy 9/11 bros!

Kick your ass and chew bubblegum!

That is what Duke Nukem makes with his victims ,even if he's all out of bubblegum! So bring your ass in cover when DUKE NUKEM FOREVER will be realesed in the winter next year! Well, now seriously that idiots work on that game since 12 years and i dont believe that they will realese that game in the next 10000000000YEARS.
It's DUKE NUKEM FOREVER and i mean, it wouldn't been called forever when the game had chace to get realesed, i bet Apple buys Microsoft before i can play that game on my pc! So dont take this shit to seriously
also if vids like this flying through the internet!
Ps. Blow it out your ass, and eat shit and die DNF publisher!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hunter shoots a bear?!

Hey Dudes,
My Bro showed me one of the best videos i saw in many years on youtube! but why the video is so good? Cause its damn innovative! check it out ! 
If you don't now it yet, u will love it!!
And then post ideas, what the hunter could do everything funny with the bear, when he don't shoot him! 

Sunday, September 5, 2010


You need real competition? Than register on and try to make in the game Iron Chouquette 80-100k Points. The difficult is you only have 4 trys per day. And 12 with 3 accounts.

+PRO: you dont have to give your email to register,
-Contra: I cant add the game to this site!
+PRO: no gay background music like the one of Robot Unicorn
-Contra: no gay background music like the one of Robot Unicorn

Trolls had to wait a long time,

Trolls had to wait a long time, but now the work is done, I HAVE A BLOG. A BLOG FOR ENDLESS SENSELESS POSTS!!!!!
Well, let the shit begin!!!!!!11!